Day 28: Erwin, TN - 340 miles


Leaving Hot Springs was tough because my pack weighed five pounds more and so did I. The day after a resupply is always like that. Including today. 


For the last four days Voldemort and I have been a day behind our "trail family" reading messages from them in the shelter logs telling us to hurry up. Well we are back here guys... Slow down!

Nolichucky River

Nolichucky River

Two nights ago, while debating whether to stay at a shelter or press on, we encountered a runner who warned us of incoming bad weather. Lightning, hail and gusts up to sixty MPH. It was a crazy night and the next day we summited Big Bald minus the view while getting hammered by the continuing storm. Two days of walking in the rain and mud had us both joking that we were done. Time to go home!

I arrived in Erwin this morning and much to my surprise Dave and Barb were waiting on a log beside the trail about 2 miles from resupply! They saved us from having to hitch into town and took us to KFC all you can eat. 


Random stuff:

I'm on my second pair of shoes. I can't remember what day it is. I'm a month in and still finding ways to lighten my pack. I have lost 15 pounds despite eating Snickers coated in peanut butter. I sleep like a log.  Blister count: 0

PS. I swam and did laundry in a river today.